The Mobile AR Lab has supported the creation of “Staying Up” a Brooklyn based graffiti zine. Staying Up opens with local nyc graffiti legend Jesus Saves and a list of NYC’s best writers who are currently up.
During COVID the lab lost access to out regular equipment and decided to help in the creation of a zine that documented the 2020-present graf movement. The Lab had been doing AR graf research since 2018 and we decided to take it back and appreciate graf for graf because a historic moment was taking place in NYC Graf History and the lab was there to document it! The documentation tool form in a zine called Staying Up and has 2 forms- free and paid for. The first (paid for) issue was sold out in 18 hours! The Zines can be acquired at graffiti and skate shops across Brooklyn! We have big plans for Graffiti and AR and a number of collaborations in the works. More soon!

Want one?
Find a graf (or skate/bmx) shop in Brooklyn and if u are lucky there will be a free copy waiting for you ^^.